Monday, December 20, 2021



In that second,

     where your hand touches my body,

I forget everything, 

    craving, waiting & asking for more. 

Reality strikes, 

    I remember your words.

The most honest,

    And yet the cruelest!

Anxiety grips my body, 

    Knowing that all of this would vanish. 

These stolen moments, 

    Won't be mine anymore. 

And yet I am here, want to be here;

    for the times you'll have me for

Self Preservation screams, 

    And yet here I am 

Doing the most cruel one can to oneself. 

Knowing that you'll be gone

    once you find someone you'll fancy more. 

Someone that will hold your heart. 

    Someone you'll be waiting to give more than just your body to. 

The one whose voice you'll want to hear,

    The one whose presence you'll crave. 

The one you'll remember in the most randomest of moments

    The one whose thoughts will matter to you. 

And yet here I am praying hopeless, 

    That my crush will be over before your lust for me does. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021



“Stay” Her heart whispered.

“They have life to live” Her rational brain reasoned.

“You think they will want to stay” Her anxiety snarked.

“Push them away” Her hurt begged.

“You always do this!” Her loneliness moaned.    

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 For being there

For your care

For teaching all my firsts

For dealing with my temper tantrums

For being my rock

For giving me my first horror book

For holding my hand

For upholding my curiosity

For being an awesome dad

Sunday, August 29, 2021

A touch of loneliness

 This stormy smuggy beautiful night 

Filled with music, whispers and lights bright. 

Loneliness and isolation screams with its might.. 

Even with the storm, even with the drizzling rain, 

It can't hide it's pain 

With great chagrin, it asks me 

Are you even worth the strain? 

And I fail to answer .. 

I fail to answer .. 

I don't know I say

I don't know, I whisper 

Those stars that hide, with its lights 

Are they hiding from my sight? 

Do I matter?  I ask. 

Do I matter enough for them to care? 

If I disappear now,

Will they mourn with despair?

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Forgotten Goddess

 In the vast emptiness of the space, swarms of the dust were floating around. And a maiden smiling upon her new find. We don’t know where she came from. She looked peculiar with athletic build and a dense form of odorless and colorless liquid spirally from her shoulder to her ankle.

She was a curious being. And the swarms of the dust interested her. There wasn’t anything else to do in this vast nothingness either. She observed that as the dusts were spiraling in the cloud, they would collide and form a mass. And as they grow bigger, they would attract other nearer smaller particles.

So intrigued, she took a big handful of the dust and with the help of liquid around her compressed it a little. She released it back on the cloud. The mass soon started attracting around other particles around the space. She grew excited and started experimenting. She made different shapes, odd shapes, bigger sphere, smaller sphere. She even tried different components and experimented with colors. She found out when she compressed some of the things tightly, it generated heat. Some when densely packed together, created a sort of hole that sucked every mass that came in their way.

Fascinated with her discovery, she took a step back. She was surprised to see smaller masses being attracted by the bigger ones. Not every one of them collided though. Some came into its gravitational pull and started rotating around the bigger stars. Even the larger balls of heat seem to be rotating each other.

Soon she got bored of it. Her curiosity satiated, she flowed away looking for a new adventure unaware of an entire new world and related/dependent beings she created in that brief moment of excitement.