Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Forgotten Goddess

 In the vast emptiness of the space, swarms of the dust were floating around. And a maiden smiling upon her new find. We don’t know where she came from. She looked peculiar with athletic build and a dense form of odorless and colorless liquid spirally from her shoulder to her ankle.

She was a curious being. And the swarms of the dust interested her. There wasn’t anything else to do in this vast nothingness either. She observed that as the dusts were spiraling in the cloud, they would collide and form a mass. And as they grow bigger, they would attract other nearer smaller particles.

So intrigued, she took a big handful of the dust and with the help of liquid around her compressed it a little. She released it back on the cloud. The mass soon started attracting around other particles around the space. She grew excited and started experimenting. She made different shapes, odd shapes, bigger sphere, smaller sphere. She even tried different components and experimented with colors. She found out when she compressed some of the things tightly, it generated heat. Some when densely packed together, created a sort of hole that sucked every mass that came in their way.

Fascinated with her discovery, she took a step back. She was surprised to see smaller masses being attracted by the bigger ones. Not every one of them collided though. Some came into its gravitational pull and started rotating around the bigger stars. Even the larger balls of heat seem to be rotating each other.

Soon she got bored of it. Her curiosity satiated, she flowed away looking for a new adventure unaware of an entire new world and related/dependent beings she created in that brief moment of excitement.